Monday, September 13, 2010

Prop 19: Amsterdam Psychiatrist Blasts US Drug Czars for Distortions, Fear-Mongering | MND: Your Daily Dose of Counter-Theory

It is always a great day when the Truth comes out about the corrupt moral practices of our so-called trusted servants. I love it. Thank You God!


Most outrageously, the drug czars ignore the well known and undisputed statistics that show that Dutch use of cannabis remains about half that of the US and is comparable to – or less than – use in our neighboring countries with more repressive policies. Moreover, Dutch heroin use rates are also less than half of US rates. We attribute that fact to what we call the “separation of the markets” for hard and soft drugs.
...It is my firm belief that the American people, and certainly Californians, would support decriminalizing drugs and regulating drug markets, if only they knew that the drug problem in their country is much worse than in countries with more liberal policies. The problem is that Americans do know that their country has a serious drug problem, but they also believe or are convinced that in the Netherlands and other European countries the situation is even worse. This is what they have heard from their governments and drug czars.
Just trying to get the facts straight...grin!
Rocket Johnson

Prop 19: Amsterdam Psychiatrist Blasts US Drug Czars for Distortions, Fear-Mongering | MND: Your Daily Dose of Counter-Theory

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